Harappan Civilization compared to Contemporary Civilizations

Facts of the First Cities - 2

Facts which made Indus Valley Culture more awesome than Egyptian Civilizations

  This article will provide help you to distinguish between Harappan Culture and it's
  contemporary culture. This is basically a difference between civilizations; there planning,
  language, trade, existence, etc which will help you to deeply understand the links between
  different civilizations.

    Difference in Town Planning -

        A well laid out city would be considered as more developed than the haphazardly grown
        city. This is what happened to Harappan Culture Cities when compared with their
        contemporary civilization. The cities of Harappan Culture were well laid out and had a
        great chess board design while building the roads and streets, on the other hand the cities
        of Egyptian Culture just spread in all the sides without any proper design thatswhy proper
        drainage system doesn't exist in Egyptian Culture which is the main feature of all the
        cities of harappan culture. Also the houses in Indus Civilization were rectangular in shape
        with all the basic facilties such as bathrooms and wells inside the houses only while such
        kind of houses were not present in any contemporary civilization.

    Art and Cultural Differences -

        Sindhu people were great craftsmen with great artisan skills while in contemporary
        culture people were not having such great skills as compared to harappan people. The
        discovery of Craft Factories of metal, beads, and other material at Lothal provide a
        proof that harappan Culture was the main source of all the art work to the rest of the
        world at that time. Also many coloured and decorated pieces of pottery were found at
        Harappan Sites which were not discovered at any other culture's site of that period.
        Harappan people developed their own characteristic seals which was not so unique
        in any other civilization.

    How the scripts were? -

         The cuneiform and hieroglyphics were the scripts of Mesopotamia and Egyptian culture
         respectively which have been deciphered by the historians but the script of Harappan
         culture i.e. pictographic has not been deciphered yet. Both the scripts had no resemblance
         to each other. Also we know less about Harappan civilization as the script has not been
         deciphered but on the other hand all other civilizations' script has been deciphered so we
         are able to study those cultures easily and deeply. The harappan script has only been
         found on the seals and one inscription found in dholavira while in Mesopotamian culture
         people used to keep script on clay tablets which were produced by pressing letters over
         moist clay and writing on papyrus sheets of reed was practiced by Egyptians.

    Existence -

         Harappan culture flourished over a really wide area which includes present day Indian
         states like Gujrat, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab; and Pakistani states like Sindh, Punjab
         and Baluchistan. While both the Egyptian and Mesopotamian culture spread to very less
         area as compared to Sindhu culture. Although Harappan culture spread to very large area
         but it was not able to exist as long as the other civilizations existed. The Harappan Culture
         ended up after the 1900 B.C. but all the contemporary civilization continued to exist even
         after the decline of the Indus Culture.
  These were some differences between the Harappan culture and the contemporary
  civilizations. If you have any other question related to Harappan Culture, you can comment
  and bring it to my notice and I will do my best to help you.


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