Facts of Indus Valley Civilization

Facts of the First Cities - 1

In this series of Facts of the First Cities articles I am trying to provide all the information of the harappan civilization basically in tabular or point format. This will include the list of items were excavated from where and by whom the different cities were first discovered and as well who gave which theory for the decline of the harappan civilization.
This tabular form of data would make it lot easier to revise all the important events and stuff related to Harappan and Indus Culture.

Discoveries of Famous Harappan Sites -

Sr.No.            Site            Currently Located              River              Excavator            Year 

   01.            Harappa          Punjab(Pakistan)                 Ravi            Dayaram Sahini       1921

   02.         Mohenjodaro      Sindh(Pakistan)                 Indus              R.D.Banerji           1922
   03.              Lothal              Gujrat(India)                Sabarmati              S.R.Rao             1957
   04.           Dholavira            Gujrat(India)                       -                     J.P.Joshi             1990

   05.         Chanhudaro         Sindh(Pakistan)                 Indus           N.G.Mazumdar       1931

   06.          Kalibangan         Rajasthan(India)              Ghaggar       Amlanand Ghosh     1953

   07.           Banawali            Haryana(India)                Rangoi                R.S.Bist             1973

   08.            Rangpur             Gujrat(India)                    Madar              M.S.Vatsa           1931

   09.          Alamgirpur      UttarPradesh(India)             Hindon            Y.D.Sharma         1958

   10.           Koti-Diji             Sindh(Pakistan)                Sidhu              Fazal Ahmed        1955

   11.             Ropar                 Punjab(India)                   Sutlej              Y.D.Sharma         1955

Note : High accuracy has been maintained while noting down the years and other stuff but
           even after that all the stuff can't be made errorless. I would be highly greatful to the
           readers if the errors are brought to my notice.

Specialities of different Sindhu Civilization Sites :

    Harappa -

      The very first city to be discovered by Dayaram Sahni in the year 1921. The entire
      civilization had been named after this city only as it was the first among the all to be
      discovered. Also first the civilization was named after the Indus Valley because all
      the previously discovered cities were located in the Indus Valley Plains (popularly
      known as Sindhu River Plains), but the later discovered cities were not located in the
      Indus Valley Plains thus the name of the entire civilization was thus changed from
      Indus Valley Civilization to Harappan Civilization. Here in Harappa, two rows of six
      granaries were also discovered, the city is H-cemetery culture. Two red stone idols of
      dancing girls were also found here during the excavation. The most prominent feature
      of this city is that the direct trade interaction with Mesopotamia has been proved by the

   MohenjoDaro -

      Also called Mound of Death because of the discovery of human skeletons together which
      suggest some kind of violent death of inhabitants. It is considered to be the most developed
      city of all in the harappan culture as structures like Great Bath, multi-pillared Assembly
      Hall, large Granary and Priests' College has been found here. A piece of woven cloth and
      a bronze dancing girl idol was also found here. Many pieces of some interesting pottery
      and some seals were the first to be discovered by the workers of the railway line after
      which the excavation was done by R.D.Banerji.

   Lothal -

     It is a different kind of city which generally broke all the similarities of the town planning
     between different cities of the Indus Culture, as the city was not divided into two parts like
     all the other cities of the culture rather it was divided into six sectors and each sector was
     built on the wide platform. Thus, it suggests that Lothal was the naught boy in the bunch of
     some disciplined boys. Another keyfeature of the indus culture which was violated by
     Lothal was the houses with the entrance on the main street (it is notable that all the other
     sites had side entrance of the houses). Dockyard was the main structure here, which
     suggest that the harappan culture had an great inter civilizational trade relationship. Also
     the discovery of bead factory give us the idea of the craftsmanship of the harappan people.
     Also a jar was found which had a painting which resembled the cunning fox in Panchatantra. 

  Kalibangan -

     The name kalibangan was given to this site just because black bangles were found at this
     site. Even it is the only site where the coloured and decorative floor tiles were used at
     houses. Also the fire altars found at the site suggest the cult of sacrifice was practiced.
     The main feature i.e. the town planning was not done nicely and the drainage system was
     also not present at this site. It was the only site which was protected by large wall which
     enclosed both citadel and the lower part of the town. Evidences of ploughed field suggest
     that farming was known to the harappan people and they were not only dependent on
     hunting for food. Also the remains of camels have been found. 

  Dholavira -

     After the discovery of this city in 1990 by J.P.Joshi, it was made sure that the harappans
     used pictographic and logosyllabic script, as an inscription comprising ten large signs of
     indus civilization script. This was the only city in  the whole culture which used rain water
     harvesting system and used to conserve the whole water in the large reservoirs around the
     city which could be used later in the time of crises.

Theories of Decline -

   1. The decline might have occurred because of the Aryan Invasion, as after Aryans invaded
       the Harappans, they people might have moved towards the southern India. This theory
       was suggested by Wheeler and Sir Gordon. 
    2. Historians like Dales, M.S.Vatsa, H.T.Lambrick gave the theory that the sudden decline
        might have occurred because of the change in the course of river which forced the people
        to migrate to some other place.
    3. Earthquake was the reason said the historians Raikes and Dales, thus resulting the entire
        civilization to leave that place and it might have occurred by some natural calamities is
        the reason given by K.A.R.Kennedy.
    4. Macay and S.R.Rao are the two historians who think that this might have occurred
        because of a large and destructive flood which killed many and forced the other
        remaining to move towards a more safer place.
    5. Fairchild gives the whole credit to ecological disturbances but great historian D.P.Agarwal
        says that this had occurred due to drying up of Ghaghar river and increaser in the Aridity
        of the region which sounds practical as the whole region had now dried up which might
        have occurred due to extensive use of resources by the harappan people.
   Although many statements are given by different historians and all hold some value, just
   because they had not been able to come to one conclusion. It might have more than one
   reason just because the conditions would have been only so worst if more than one of the
   above thing happened together which might have killed large number of people and forced
   the remaining to migrate.

There is lot more to come, just stay tuned and have a look at my other notes. https://infoindianhistory.blogspot.in/

These articles can be used for UPSC preparations, board exams, and other competitive exams.

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