Problems by Harappan Culture

This tittle sounds some wired but it is true as Harappan Civilization had many problems within it even being one of the most oldest and smartest and most developed civilization. There were two basic problems associated with the Indus Valley Civilizations which aren't highlighted much yet they were really big issue for any civilization to be sorted out but the Harappans did continue with both of these problems and it resulted in the decline of the entire civilization. And both of the issues are discussed in details in this article which will make you think again that was Harappan Civilization as great as we thinks. Let's start :

Exploitation of Resources -

The harappan people exploited the natural resources in such a bad way that the area is not even able to recover all the loss of the resources and even now it is desert and barren land. People used to overly use the wood for various purpose which resulted in the large scale deforestation in the area and converted the whole region into the desert which is now known as Thar Desert and Rann of Kutch. The large scale deforestation also affected all the other ecological activities like rain and wildlife which resulted in drying up of many rivers like ghaghar and saraswati and also led to increase in the aridity. They also overused some metals and minerals which resulted in emptying up of many mineral mines and affected the development in present days. Also, they used to overuse the land for cropping which resulted in the extinction of natural particles and minerals from soil and converted it to the sand which could not grow anything now. The people were not aware of the sin they were doing and kept on exploiting the resources in the region which made the whole region inhabitable and even the harappan people were forced to migrate to a different place and it became one of the major factor in the decline of the entire civilization as after the destruction if the resources at such a level they were left with nothing later and thus they shifted to some new region. Ever wonder how development can led to problems? This is the answer, the harappan people were so busy in developing them that they forget to look after the resources they had and eventually left with nothing. Thus we understood what was the problem with the Harappan people, that they did not relied on sustainable development rather they were busy in development only even on the sake of all the resources they had. They people were busy in baking the bricks to make new houses from the wood but didn't look at the large scale cutting of trees around them. And thus, when the cities were developed completely and they looked around them they found no more resources to use thus they got the entirely developed cities but were left with no resource to live in those developed cities and thus migrated to some different place leading to the decline of the entire civilizations.
This way of unsustainable development was the biggest problem of the harappan people and even that might was the reason for the decline of their civilization.
This story even gives us the message that in our life we are so busy in creating money, fame, etc. that we forgot to live the moment and enjoy the life and when we achieve the success we are left with no time to enjoy and then we regret that if we had enjoyed our life more nicely just like what harappan people would have thought. This reminds us that in the race of being more developed we are punishing the nature which will teach a lesson later when we will be left with no time.
This what happened in front of my house, a few years ago our street was upgraded from kachha road to cemented pakka road in the name of development by the government. Everyone thinks it as good but let me tell you that what is bad in it, let me tell you how it is just waste of money and also harming the nature. Firstly, consider that the street have very very little traffic, so what used to happen is now the rain water can't find a way to go inside the land and thus the ground water level will fall and secondly the kachha road literally required no maintenance as every year the rain used to take some soil with it and levelled the road again but now the cemented road need a lot of maintenance every year which the government forgets to do so there are large pit holes on the road. Thus, in this simple way we are harming nature in the name of development. I strongly agree that the roads should be build of nice quality but just check that if there is the need of that road there. And in the same way we are heading towards the destruction of earth every year. So, let's be aware now that we need sustainable development or just want to migrate to some other place just like the harappan people.

Class System -

It's strange to tell but even 5000 years ago there existed one kind of class system and gave people superiority over other people and the same caste system which is happening today was also used to happen in that period. The division of every city into two parts; Citadel and lower part; which were different from each other proves that even in that time people used to believe in these kind of rituals when the human civilization just started and people had not ethnic division and no religion existed to teach people hate each other then why this kind of discrimination was there, why someone had the superiority over others, etc. even there is the difference in the burial of people which gives us the entire idea that how worst were those days in terms of the discriminations and also the difference in making of the toy models says the same story of one class dominating over other. This shows that humans were never freed from the idea of dominance and racism and this nature of human has been evolved so nicely that we can't come out of this trap which we had created by our small thinking. And after the evolution of 5000 years, it is understood that why daily people are killed in the name of religion and nations which does not exists as such before some time. And this war of superiority had came to such a point that the entire human culture is under threat. These development of atom bombs which are created for our own destruction are given preference over the hunger of a child. We humans had come to such a point that we had left we no humanity in us and I hate harappan people because they started this culture of caste system, racism, etc. which had left us with no humanity in our heart.

So, these are the two problems which were started by the Harappan Civilization which we are evolving to a new level with every generation. I hope that one day, these borders will fall and the religion will just be word. And I hope that we will achieve it one day, Yes, we can!
Hope if you can change it!

This article was not for preparation of any exams but rather it was written for the preparation of changing us from inside. Today, just take a brake for sometime and think that are we heading towards the right way, if not, what is the way in which humankind should move. If you find a right way just move in that direction, one day the entire human population will be following you.



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